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By order of the Official Bulletin of the Ministry of Defense of July 2, 2015, the Mechanized Infantry Regiment “Castilla” n.º 16 lost the first part of this name and was renamed Armored Regiment “Castilla” n.º 16 – RAC Castilla 16 – but retaining the name “Castilla” that it had since its foundation in 1793 when it was created by the initiative of Pedro de Alcántara, XIII Duke of Infantado, who was also its first colonel. It continued to form part of the XI “Extremadura” Brigade to which it had belonged up to that time. This was due to the incorporation to the regiment of the new “Leopard” type tanks and the VECs (Cavalry Exploration Vehicle).[1] Another important milestone was that, in the first half of the 20th century, the “Extremadura” XI Brigade was formed by the “Extremadura” XI Brigade.

Another important milestone was that, by virtue of the directive that regulates the structure of the Army, on 30 October 2016, the act of constitution of the “Grupo de Caballería Acorazado Calatrava II/16” was held in the regiment’s parade ground, on the basis of personnel coming from the Regimiento de Caballería de Reconocimiento “Farnesio” 12 coming from Valladolid. The “organic” of the regiment was as follows:

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Antique, second hand, remainder and second hand bookstore. Discontinued books. Located in one of the most beautiful areas of Alcalá de Henares, in front of the Archbishop’s Palace and next to the Oratory of San Felipe Neri.

//DOMIDUCA LIBREROS/// Marcos A. González López (Emp. autónomo) We accept payment by credit card, Paypal or cash in bookstore, for store pickup you must write us previously [] or call us [918827270] and formalize the request directly with us so we can have your book available. VAT is included in each of the prices. If you wish invoice, at the moment of placing the order you must indicate us the fiscal data for the emission of the same one. The non-delivery of an invoice will not be… More Information

For in-store pickup you can write to or call us at 918827270 and formalize the request directly with us. If you prefer to make the purchase through the platform you can choose “Cash”, we will contact you to tell you from what date (minimum one day from receipt of order) you can pick it up.

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“Don Manuel, what you have said about calm and confidence is all very well; but you should know that I have been leaving my house for many days before my children get up and returning after they have gone to bed, so as not to have the pain of hearing them ask me for bread and not being able to give it to them…”

Mercadona’s electrolinera in Los Gallos has four 3.7 kW electric vehicle chargers Features of the Mercadona electric vehicle charging point in Los Gallos To access this electric vehicle charging point you must enter the Mercadona parking lot and you will find the different chargers scattered around the parking lot, always during business hours and without the possibility of reserving the space or charger. The Mercadona de los Gallos Electrolinera offers free charging of your electric vehicle, with no time limit, being able to access this charging point for electric vehicles from 9:00 to 21:00 hours from Monday to Saturday TOTALLY FREE. The technology used in this charging point is PLUG & CHARGE, which facilitates charging. The configuration between the charger and the vehicle is automatic, without the need for other systems such as apps or proximity cards. While your vehicle is charging you can do your shopping in this supermarket.

  Se puede visitar la academia de infantería de toledo

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